In part two we explored how datomic could mimic a document store. e.g
(d/q '[:find (pull ?list [*])
[?list :list/title "learn datomic"]]
(d/db conn))
Now its worth exploring that this pull concept exists outside of query. to use the datomic pull api directly we need 3 things which have been introduced before
lets get the entity id for a list
(d/q '[:find ?e
[?e :list/title _]]
now we can use that id with the pull pattern '*' which means pull everything.
(d/pull db '[*] 4178144185548876)
{:db/id 4178144185548876,
:list/title "learn datomic",
[{:db/id 4178144185548877, :todo/description "learn how to create a database"}
{:db/id 4178144185548878, :todo/description "learn how to add the schema"}]}
of course you might not need everything. so lets try a more specific pattern
(d/pull db '[{:list/todo [:todo/description]}] 4178144185548876)
[#:todo{:description "learn how to create a database"}
#:todo{:description "learn how to add the schema"}]}
Ids are hard to remember though, this isn't a problem for our computer friends but we might want something more human friendly when developing. good news, Datomic has a way for you to make an [attribute value] pair unique. Once unique, if you specify that pair then you will update rather then create a new entity. Lets demonstrate that by adding another list with the same title as an existing list.
(d/transact conn {:tx-data [{:list/title "learn datomic"}]})
Check the database
(d/q '[:find ?e ?t
:where [?e :list/title ?t]]
(d/db conn))
[[4178144185548876 "learn datomic"] [25244786973737039 "learn datomic"]]
see their are two entities with that title. it created a new one. Once we lock down the title that will be impossible. In fact the command below to make the title unique will fail tell we the title is unique
(d/transact conn {:tx-data [{:db/ident :list/title
:db/unique :db.unique/identity}]})
outputs an error. Lets change the title so there all unique.
(d/transact conn {:tx-data [{:db/id 25244786973737039
:list/title "revenge of the datomic"}]})
now we can pull using our new unique [attribute value] by specifying :db/unique :db.unique/identity
(d/transact conn {:tx-data [{:db/ident :list/title
:db/unique :db.unique/identity}]})
;; Now we can pull using our new unique identity!
(d/pull db '[{:list/todo [:todo/description]}] [:list/title "learn datomic"])
[#:todo{:description "learn how to create a database"}
#:todo{:description "learn how to add the schema"}]}
This is great. Why isn't it the default? my guess would be because it requires more book keeping by the database so it should be used mostly as a developer friendly way to work and inspect that data.
Thats it for this bite of datomic. tell next time!
end part 3