Datomic cloud is a managed service on AWS that lets us easily deploy your application code alongside a persistent storage layer. How easily? Lets see.
Assuming you follow the instructions here for a solo topology. You end up with a deployed running system that you just need to communicate with. Note some of the configuration below would be different for a production cluster. A prod cluster is too much money for hobby projects though!
Cutting to the chase, creating an api endpoint looks roughly like this.
(defn get-todo-lists
(d/q '[:find (pull ?list [*])
:where [?list :list/todo ?]]
(defn get-todo-lists
(->> "learn-datomic-for-blog"
Here we use a library provided by datomic cloud to ionize the function above.
(def todo-lists
(apigw/ionize get-todo-lists))
You then reference that function in your ion config as a lambda.
{:app-name "grow"
{:fn grow.ion.http/todo-lists
:description "lambda proxy integration entry point for todo lists"}
clj -A: '{:op :push}'
this captures stores your configuration and code in aws but doesn't run anything. This command will return the deploy command..
clojure -A:ion-dev '{:op :deploy, :group grow-compute, :rev "<some-id>"}
Which will essentially take your stored code that you pushed and makes it a reality on a running computer. It's more complex then this of course, read the official docs for more.
This step is to expose your function as an endpoint and is done through the AWS console. Basically from the aws console you do
Now curl the end point it sets up...
curl https://3gr2ovzas1.execute-api.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/dev/datomic
And the output should look familiar
[[{:db/id 4178144185548876,
:list/title "learn datomic",
[{:db/id 4178144185548877,
:todo/description "learn how to create a database"}
{:db/id 4178144185548878,
:todo/description "learn how to add the schema"}]}]
[{:db/id 48910675249987664,
:list/title "learning about datomic aggregates",
[{:db/id 48910675249987665,
"talk about how aggregates to speed up performance"}
{:db/id 48910675249987666,
:todo/description "talk about `with` function"}
{:db/id 48910675249987667,
:todo/description "talk about `with` function"}]}]]
That's it. Given it's possible to an api around one endpoint this can be enough to fuel any number of hobby projects. Which my friend jacob does to much greater success then me.